Mike Jenner is the founder of in-flu-ence leadership development consulting. Mike has an MBA from the Harvard Business School and a B.Eng in Production Engineering and Management from the University of Bath, England.
Mike has frequently been engaged as a professor of leadership. He has held academic engagements at the Booth School of Business, Chicago, the University of Sydney Business School, and the Australian Graduate School of Management at the University of New South Wales (AGSM).
Professor Jenner was the top ranked faculty member at each of these three graduate schools of business. At Sydney, all seven iterations of his Leadership Practice and Development MBA course (LP&D) were awarded Dean’s Citations for Teaching Excellence. LP&D was the top rated course out of more than 600 offered by the Sydney Business School. At Booth, he ranked #1 out of 178 faculty teaching at the Graduate School of Business, and was the 2000 Phoenix Award recipient. He was awarded the 2013 Marcus Cohen Teaching Excellence Award at AGSM. He has received the top teaching award from all three Business Schools at which he has taught.
When not coaching or teaching, Mike is either playing in a croquet tournament somewhere across the globe, or uncovering the joys of parenthood with his 17-year old daughter, and 15-year old son. At the former, he is world-ranked; at the latter he occasionally feels in need of remedial training.
Maurya Rieder is the Chief Operating Officer at in-flu-ence and has been a coach within our programs since 2007. Outside of in-flu-ence, Maurya is the Director of Sciforma Australia/New Zealand – a portfolio and project management software company.

Maurya’s extensive people management experience, coupled with her direct communication skills and no-nonsense style, make her a highly effective professional coach. While program participants love the fact that she’s not afraid to call a spade a spade, most of all, they respect her real-world focus and extraordinary dedication to developing their own effectiveness.
Maurya grew up in the Minnesota, gaining a Bachelor of Science from Kettering University, Michigan, before moving on to complete her Masters of Business Administration at Harvard Business School.
From 1997 til 2002 Maurya was engaged as a Senior Manager at Deloitte Consulting. In this capacity she ran a U.S. $40m public policy business, directly managing a team of 30 consultants and indirectly managing more than 10,000 clinicians.
Additionally, Maurya has held positions as Chief Operating Officer and General Manager with companies including Illinois Tool Works and General Motors – and, in doing so, has first hand experience of many of the people management challenges our client executives face.